Margarita Pita Contera

Contact Details

Margarita Pita Contera

Margarita Pita Contera

Marga spent the last decade living between the United States and Mexico, an experience that deeply enriched her perspective on the human being and the various ways of living, healing, and finding meaning. She now resides in her home country, Spain, from where she supports people worldwide in processes of personal transformation and deep reconnection with themselves.

A psychologist with a specialization in Clinical Psychology, a psychotherapist with a master's degree in Third-Generation Therapies, and a Certified Practitioner of Compassionate Inquiry, Marga combines academic training, international experience, and a unique sensitivity to create a space where safety, presence, and genuine connection are at the center.  Additionally, her work as a doula and her accompaniment in dignified death processes reflect her commitment to life transitions, from the most delicate beginnings to the most significant closures.

Marga does not only accompany but also guides each person with the firm belief that we all possess an innate capacity to heal, and that it is in the authentic presence with another where the process of transformation occurs.

Her career includes working with patients in palliative care, people experiencing homelessness and social abandonment, children in resource-limited communities in Houston (Texas), women going through moments of vulnerability, and people with complex trauma. She has also explored innovative therapies, such as the integration of psychedelic experiences, always from an ethical, compassionate, and evidence-based perspective.

Marga deeply believes in the power of being seen, heard, and supported. In her online sessions, she offers a safe, non-judgmental space where each person can explore their story, release limiting patterns, and reconnect with their innate capacity for healing. Her approach is warm and approachable, ideal for those seeking more than conventional therapy: a human, profound, and transformative accompaniment.

Practitioner Info

Languages Spoken
Spanish, English
Other Certified Training
- Compassionate Inquiry Formación Profesional
- Compassionate Iniquiry Mentorship
- Licenciatura Psicología
- Máster Universitario en Terapias Psicológicas de Tercera Generación
- Birth Doula Certification
- El Arte de Acompañar en el Buen Morir
- Teoría Polivagal con Deb Dana y Peter Levine
- Terapeuta para la salud especializada en Herbolaria y Medicina Tradicional Mexicana
- The Way of the Psychonaut with Stan Grof
- Child Advocacy
- Trauma-Informed Stabilization Treatment (TIST), training with Janina Fisher


Contact Information

Madrid, España

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