Kiera McGuire
Kiera has been formally studying, teaching and working with clients in the field of natural healing and wellness for over 20 years. She obtained her Acupuncture license in 2004 and went on to successfully receive certificates in Ayurveda, Traditional Hatha Yoga, Meditation and Non-dual Psychotherapy. In 2015 she founded AtEssence her private healing practice where she incorporates her knowledge of these profound ancient sciences. Her studies and passion in finding how our held unconscious beliefs and the separation from our authentic selves express in our mental and physical imbalances eventually led her to meet and study with Dr. Gabor Mate. The application of Compassionate Inquiry has truly transformed her own life as well as the lives of her clients.
Kiera runs her online practice and in-person clinic from Costa Rica where she lives with her husband and 2 children and where she is currently building an integration and healing center. She is extremely grateful to be able to continually expand her studies, deepen her own personal path of healing, and to be able to be a resource and guide for others on their unique journeys back to wholeness.