Contact Details
Terri Rowland
Hello. I am Terri, a grateful graduate of the Compassionate Inquiry (CI) program. I took the training with the intention of healing myself from the trauma of my own past. That intention was more than fulfilled. Now, I bring Compassionate Inquiry to anyone who is searching for healing from suffering, whether that is physical, emotional, or in relationship.
During the past 8 years of being involved in the healing of codependency, I have learned that codependency deeply affects all of our relationships, with ourselves and others. Compassionate Inquiry is an excellent way to explore the roots of codependency and heal those roots. I also love working with pregnant women supporting them and the developing life within. This has been a lifelong passion of mine. Compassionate Inquiry has a beautiful nurturing place in supporting expecting moms.
I have a long history of working in natural health. Compassionate Inquiry is the most compelling work I have ever known for compassionately helping people to reconnect to themselves and heal their suffering. Blending Compassionate Inquiry into my own business based on physical and energy modalities is a natural union for supporting people on their own journeys towards wholeness and healthiness.
I am pleased to conduct personal sessions in person and via Zoom.